Goals Not Resolutions For the New Year

Jan 16, 2022

Goals Not Resolutions For the New Year

Do you feel pressure to make New Year's resolutions that involve drastic lifestyle changes surrounding health, money, or lifestyle?  Unfortunately, these can be UNREALISTIC expectations and contributes to 80% of people giving up their New Year's resolutions by February.  Sound familiar?  Many of these goals are ones that we convince ourselves will change our lives for the better.

Usually, our goals come down to specific emotions, like happiness, fulfillment, or confidence.  So first, consider what feeling you want to achieve by accomplishing your goals.  Then, think about what changes you'll make to help you feel good emotionally so that you won't experience negative emotions surrounding your expectations or lack thereof.

Many resolutions fail because there's no "why" attached to the "what." Finding the "what" is easy: lose weight, save money, get a new job, travel more.  But the "why" is just as—if not more—important. 

How about weight loss, for example.  It's probably a goal that you have faced at some point in your life.  So, why do you want to lose weight?  To feel more confident?  To feel more accepted?  To have more energy to play with your kids or grandchildren?  To prevent or reverse chronic illness?  It's crucial to define your "why" when you decide on your "what" because that will motivate you to keep going when you want to give up.

It's OK to have big goals and dreams; however, creating micro-goals is more important because they require less effort and mental strain and are more sustainable.  As you check off these "easy" goals, it will help build confidence and create a snowball effect as you get closer to experiencing your results.

Breaking down your goals will help you develop a clear action plan and provide you with a set of guidelines on how to get from where you are to where you want to go.  Base the outcome on the results you want, not what someone or society tells you that you have to do.  Aim for them to be specific and detailed enough for you to achieve.

Make your plans realistic.  One approach used throughout the business world and countless other instances are S.M.A.R.T. goals, an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Some examples are: I will eat healthier, becomes I will incorporate a vegetable for at least two meals a day for the next month.  Or, I will save more money, becomes, I will set aside $50 each month for the next year.

Don't' make resultions or goals that you will not keep.  Unfortunately, accepting the process means it may not look the way you WANT it to look many times.  Know that instead of holding yourself up against unrealistic expectations, give yourself some grace and pay special attention to yourself on days when things seem daunting.

Don't let negative thoughts derail your progress--instead, set a goal to tune into your emotions by checking in with a friend or writing your reflections to monitor your progress.  If you need some guidance getting started, I'm happy to help you.  Contact me at melesha@love4lifewellness.  Let's start this year off with a clear, concise vision of where you want to go and how you will get there.  So don't make New Year's resolutions.  Set goals based on your WHY for a W.I.N.!  Happy New Year!!

P.S.  Check out the New Year Special "Take Care of You in 2022," valid until the end of the month.  Contact me for a complimentary chat and receive a FREE.  Gift.  https://www.love4lifewellness.com/takecare2022


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